Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Behold, the word made flesh!

I did this over the holiday, I was really feeling that christmas spirit! It came to me one morning while reading the "life" section in the fresno bee (which I assure you has as it's mascot only the most adorable of cartoon bees!). In between articles about beating out that holiday stress and abundant commentary about the fact that winter is indeed cold, I was suddenly inspired! I give you the result:


  1. And nice drawing dude! Looks kind of like Jonathan!

  2. that IS a good drawing of jonathan particuliarly in the ear and snout.

  3. I dont think you captured my tits quite right. But seriously, I really dig this guy. I wanna animate a whole story around him.

  4. Well if you'd let me get some better "reference" maybe the tits would be nicer then!

  5. I like it a lot. So cute! He looks about as pist as I get on the holidays.
