Friday, January 22, 2010

Here's this, not really done but i think its time to post...Luca you were right about the colors, thanks. Please crit, I want to make this better.


  1. Lookin sweet! I would go in with phshop and change a few of the things to make it a bit leass symmetrical. can you add light from one side? its lookin really sweet dude!

  2. Nice! I'd like to see a bit more texture in everything, just to give a slightly gritty feel to the metal especially and to differentiate the materials more. Also, I think some cast shadows would help, especially in areas like the neck and wherever the face meets the pipes, wires etc. Maybe play up some of that rim light more? Lookin good!

  3. Ohhhh, I like this one! I agree with Carter though. Some subtle texturing and noise would go a long way. :)
